Ian : My first visit to Edinburgh. Sun still shining relentlessly.
The first impression you get walking around is a more open kind of city with alot more pretty old stuff.

Michael: That's the memorial to Sir Walter Scott, a dark and imposing but impressive gothic edifice right on the main road, Princes St., in the new town.

Michael: We then walked up to Calton Hill towards the north east of the city. As you can see, the views are stunning.

Ian: This Edinburghian was having more than his daily allowance of fun and so, was being cautioned by the authorities to go have a nap until he quietened down a bit.

Michael: More vistas from Calton Hill

Ian: From Calton hilltop (with all the follies) you can get a glimse of the world's oldest steel bridge, and some other one too.
Michael: The cantilevered bridge (to the right) is the rail bridge (world's oldest steel bridge) and the one to the left is the suspension road bridge.

Michael: Still on Calton Hill, this was supposed to be a replica of the Parthenon, but the Victorian builders ran out of funds to complete it. So, we're left with an embarrassing folly, which provides a vantage point for tourists to enjoy the view. Everyone tries climbing one - no, there are no steps!

Michael: This is the monument to Nelson and is supposed to look like an inverted telescope. It wasn't open on the day we visited, or I'd have loved to climb to the top.

Michael: Me, stiffly posing under duress :)

Ian: On this canon here is ...

... evidence of an ancient Elvish occupation of the area - their script ! ...

and poking up from below Calton Hill is part of the new parliament house ...

Ian: More of that part of Edinburgh next time we visit.

Michael: Quant little alleyways and medieval roads everywhere!

Ian: Edinburgh castle - the forecourt of which is about to be used for the annual military tattoo, part of the annual, world famous Edinburgh Festival. £10.50 (Aus $ 27) to get in ! and we'd seen Stirling Castle which is apparently more impressive anyway.

Michael: Tourists everywhere!

Ian: The place where Mary Queen of Scots spent her last night before going to London to be chopped in half by Cate Blanchett.

Michael: The Thistle Chapel. I went here the last time I was in Edinburgh and didn't feel like I could do it justice with my photography. Ian has done very well to capture the atmosphere of the place and the amazing workmanship that went into producing this fine ribbed ceiling.

Ian: This guy was trying to start a trend i think.

Ian: Spot the dummie.
* If anyone wants to see the webpage of our trip to New Zealands South Island just go here - http://troy424.tripod.com/nz05.htm
Michael: A gratuitous plug there!
Hey guys
Just like being there. Really love the quality of the pix, and some of the pic narrations make me glad I have my nappy on - laugh till I xxxx myself. Miss you both. Enjoy your new life.
Beautiful photos as usual!
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