Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Ian : The had day finally arrived ! ... but first ...

W A R N I N G !!
The following contains references to the Spanish Inquisition, Spam, parrots and coconut shells.
What follows will only be of interest to very silly people and/or devotees of the Monty Python television series, films, books and cheese. . . . and llamas. well, not the african llama, obviously ...

Having been part of the crowd in high school in 1974 who 'got' the Monty Python sense of humour, I have obviously only been living for this day - the day that I, along with 499 other crazies come together (once a year) at Doune castle near Stirling, Scotland for . . .

Doune castle, used in the filming of Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

a tour of the castle before the lunacy starts.

The courtyard area - scene of the festivities

"This parrot has ceased to be ! If you hadn't nailed it to the perch, it would be pushing up the daisies !"

Lumberjack was the best we could do i'm afraid.

Free facial hair in our sample bags ! ... essential if you want to go to the stoning !

Another lumberjack !

Nobody expected the Spanish Inquisition !!

The Knights who say Nih ! get the soft cushion interigation from the Spanish Inquisition.

Helping Mr Gumby articulate that his brain hurts.

The french Knight telling King Arthur to go away "or I shall taunt you a second time"

At last ! the stoning !! ( there are no women here, are there ?? )

Also in our sample bag was two half coconut shells (of course) for the world record attempt at the longest coconut conga line as we all 'rode' up to the entry gate of the castle. There was a sing-a-long with all of our favorite Monty Python songs, skits performed live, the Python Idol talent competition, best costume award and something we could all take part in (except women) - the stoning !

A very small Black Knight.

The wall from which the French Knight taunted King Arthur.

Well, to those of you who aren't well aquainted with the genre, all this probably meant nothing, but I have to say, being there with all those other lunatics singing 'Always look on the bright side of life' - I was actually tearfull. Seriously, with so much crap in the world and so little 'community', i think comedy and silliness is so valuable and deserves to be celebrated. I guess it's my alternative to religion.
and at the end of the day, it was back onto the bus from Doune to Stirling, and to the train station to get home to Glasgow ...

Stirling train station : renowned through-out the U.K. for it's spectacular botanical displays.

We look forward to your comments !



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I must be silly - I love Monty Python.

Looks like you guys are having an awesome time.


9:07 pm  

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