Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Ian: Here is the last instalment of our trip to London . . .

There's a fan club for all tastes here !

28% of the UK population are employed standing on footpaths and in malls holding signs.

Rising DisneyLand like behind the sunny forecourt of the British Library is St.Pancreas station.

Michael: With my lovely cousin Sav and her equally lovely husband Richard, wandering the streets of London. There is actually a Sri Lankan-style portrait of Sav and me, complete with severe faces, but Ian thinks it's too esoteric (read embarrassing) to post.

Do I look ill in this photo? I think I look a touch cyanosed. No, I'm not a hypochondriac. Really..

I found some more of the fabulous ceilings in the Victoria & Albert Museum.

Some of the intricate carving of ivory is amazing ...

In the Soho district we caught up with our friend Mark (and Lotti) at one of the 'cheap & cheerful' cafes.

With Kumi and Aliki in the shadow of the big bike wheel.

For Tim : )

The magnificent Natural History Museum

Covent Garden is where they send Buskers when they've graduated from tube stations.

Monument to Prince Albert

* Comments, questions, suggestions - we welcome them all !! Dont be shy !



Anonymous Anonymous said...

markinst_kilda sends greetings to the intrepid travellers.
Many thanks for your excellent pix and narrative from those who stay behind. I really enjoy checking up on you both via the blog to see and learn things I will never have the chance to experience.

12:13 am  

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