Our last UK trip !
a weekend in . . .
a weekend in . . .

Well, there you go - just a few snaps.
We make our way back to Australia in a few weeks.
It's hard to sum up almost 5 years in the northern hemisphere, but it's been grand ! (thanks to my darling Michael and his globe-trotting career choice)
I still have practically no ear for accents and the number of foreign words i've picked up can fit on one hand, (not counting Glasgwegian of course) so I'm not sure i've been substantially changed, but perhaps i'll only realise the effect it's had on me once i'm back in Aus.
I still have practically no ear for accents and the number of foreign words i've picked up can fit on one hand, (not counting Glasgwegian of course) so I'm not sure i've been substantially changed, but perhaps i'll only realise the effect it's had on me once i'm back in Aus.
More news to come as we settle into our new home - Adelaide !
cheers for now ! Ian.